Back To School


As children return to school, we realize there is increased anxiety over COVID-19 and the Delta Variant. Please refer to the EPDSC website for general information regarding COVID-19 and children with Down syndrome. The Centers for Disease Control also has very useful and accurate information at

We strongly recommend that children with Down syndrome 12 years old and older receive COVID vaccine prior to starting school. When the vaccine is approved for younger ages, we will be recommending that also. We also strongly recommend that ALL children with Down syndrome (even those that have received vaccine) over the age of 2, should wear an appropriate mask when on the bus or inside school building. Additionally, children with Down syndrome and immunocompromising conditions should receive a booster vaccine (3rd dose), eight months after initial vaccination. Please check with your child’s primary care provider if you have questions about their status

For those children with Down Syndrome that are having some difficulties with mask-wearing, the following website has some helpful suggestions:

Parents should make this decision on their own with their families’ best interest in mind.

Recent Podcast by Down Syndrome Center at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh: COVID and Return to School 2021 (with Dr. Andrew Nowalk)

Older Resources:
Previously recorded webinar from The Matthew Foundation: Navigating Return to School Decisions.
*We highly recommend this video. It is an hour long.

Pennsylvania Department of Education: Guidance on compensatory education in light of COVID

Education Law Center: Online and Hybrid Learning: An Equity Checklist for Schools

Disability Rights of Pennsylvania: Masks

Recording from Tuesday, September 29, 2020 from 6:30-7:30pm
Back to School Check-In on ZOOM with Robin L. Cunconan-Lahr, Esq.
Innovating for Justice – Legal Advocacy for Special Education & Disability Rights

Older resources:
Q&A on COVID-19 and Down Syndrome (see pages7 through 11 for school specific Q&A’s)

Recommendations on the Provision of FAPE to Students with Disabilities When a Parent Opts to Keep Their Child Home During the 2020-2021 School Year
COPAA (The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates)
Students with IEPs and the 2020-2021 School Year: What Families Needs to Know

From COPAA (The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates)
Recommendations on the Provision of FAPE to Students with Disabilities When a Parent Opts to Keep
Their Child Home During the 2020-2021 School Year