Congratulations and welcome!
The Eastern Pennsylvania Down Syndrome Center (EPDSC) is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have at this time. Whether you have received a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome or you were informed at the birth of your beautiful child, the EPDSC is here to support you. The birth of a new baby is, and should be, a time for celebration and a feeling of joy. We realize that a diagnosis of Down syndrome can be overwhelming and you may be experiencing an array of emotions as you adjust to the news. However, we want to assure you that your baby is more like other babies than unlike. We encourage you first to welcome, value, and love your baby-to embrace hope for a brighter future. Your babies’ needs are like all babies-to be loved, fed, to be cared for each day. Next we encourage you to become informed about Down syndrome. Take some time to peruse our website and other current resources and digest only that information which is helpful to you. By now you have probably heard from your physician about some medical conditions that can accompany a diagnosis of Down syndrome. One thing your doctor can’t tell you is the sheer “will” of your baby and the newfound strength of you, the parents. The EPDSC has dedicated parents and professional who are eager to talk with you and share their experiences. We have been where you are and are living our typical lives to the fullest. Whether you prefer email, phone or a personal visit the resource is there.
When you are ready, contact the Center for a Welcome Kit and to speak with one of our Program Coordinators. We want to wish you the very best and look forward to meeting you and your family!
The EPDSC staff
The mission of the New and Expecting Parents Program is to provide emotional support, information, and social connections for families of children with Down syndrome during pregnancy and from birth through 6 years.
What does the program offer?
– A welcome package for all new and expecting parents that includes an information pamphlet, a recommended book, and baby supplies (while available).
– Support meetings for families to connect for emotional and social support including special mom’s or dad’s night out events.
– A welcome station at the EPDSC’s major events: 3.21 Run for Down Syndrome and the Lehigh Valley Buddy Walk.
– Various family-friendly activities and outings throughout the year.
– New Parents Support Hotline.
Program Coordinators: Jennifer Paugh and Alyssa Grimm
Phone Number 484-224-5288
2023 New & Expecting Parents Program Events